Promoting the development of science, technology and innovation in Chile

>> Spanish

Who are we?

We are a State Agency that administers and executes postgraduate grants, programmes and competitions, whose purpose is to promote, foster and develop research in Chile, in all areas of knowledge, technological development and scientific-technological based innovation, in accordance with the policies defined by the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation.

+11 thousand
current projects and scholarships
$14.462 clp MM
investment to support grantees during the pandemic.
Contests per year
of public administration in R&D

What are ANID's areas of development?

We address the needs and challenges of Chile and its inhabitants, through five development areas that execute calls and programmes, under the guidelines of the public policy established by the Ministry of Science.

We support Chileans and foreigners with permanent residence in the country by financing postgraduate scholarships to study in Chile and abroad.

We finance individual scientific-technological research by Chileans or foreigners with permanent residence in the country.

We fund, coordinate and link research groups and scientific centres of excellence, forming a network of frontier research and technological development.

We manage and finance scientific and technological research and innovation projects that have a productive, economic or social impact on the country. We also support the insertion of PhDs in the national productive sector.

We finance the development of astronomy in Chile, facilitate international scientific collaboration agreements, support higher education institutions and regional growth through projects to enhance and strengthen capacities in science, technology, knowledge and innovation.